Friday, April 22, 2011

Reflection on a Funeral

Depressing, I know, but I attended a funeral this morning/afternoon, and started thinking about the things I would hope people would remember about me, and the experience I would want people to have at my funeral.  I also happen to think this is kind of a good topic for Good Friday, considering the actual reason people celebrate Good Friday/Easter does not have to do with eggs and bunnies hiding eggs filled with candy and money (I had some cool uncles growing up).

First, what I hope people remember about me:  I hope that it can be said that I was a giver of gifts.  Physical and emotional, that I was a good wife and mom, and that I did my best to contribute to society.  Outside of those few things (the most important ones I could think of today), I would just hope that the rest would be truthful--no pseudo strangers retelling stories they heard second-hand.

The experience:  I'm not religious, so no churches or hard pews to sit in.  I hope that if they're usable, that my  organs will be donated, and that the rest of me is cremated and put into a crappy coffee can.  My friends and family can gather in the middle of a clearing in the woods, bring blankets, a keg, and good stories to share.  No singing--I have nothing against religion or the hymns being sung, but it's not for me, and not what I want at my funeral.  I want people to celebrate my life by sitting down with a good beer [or wine], and just spending 30 minutes sharing stories and thinking of me.  That's all.  I wont need a 2 hour ceremony--heck. I wont even need 30 minutes...I wont be there.  It IS pretty cool to think that people could come up with enough things to say about me that it might even last 30 minutes, though.  In the spirit of earth day, I think I just want to go back to the earth.

Anyways, I hope you all had a wonderful Friday!

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